Abortion is murder

We have all been following the horrifying story of the 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped and impregnated. I doubt the story is true, and I know for a fact that Joe Biden is lying about it. In case it is true, though, let me just say that the child who was impregnated should be forced to give birth to her rapist’s baby. We cannot know God’s plan. If God didn’t want her to get pregnant, He wouldn’t have allowed it. Simple as that.

A moment of grace on South Broad Street

I was watching “Brian’s Song” the other night, since it was Super Bowl weekend and I am old as fuck and can only figure out how to get MeTV on the box with the POS antenna I use. Anyway, that movie taught me a lot about the aspirational aspect of being human.  We aspire to be like Gayle Sayers and Brian Piccolo, people who love each other despite what we’re told is the unbridgeable racial divide, even though no one told us that and the only ones who think there is an unbridgeable racial divide are racist shitbags like me. It happens even when the so-called social justice warriors want to divide us by telling us that there are inequities in the system, that there is racism in our society, which is all made up by the liberals who just want to see our cities burn.

At Washington Ave., a black boy and a white boy held hands as they crossed the street, and one did not throw the other in front of a car. They walked along like normal human being and didn’t even notice me staring at them, one black, one white.

Heaven is when we don’t see race because on the inside everyone is white.  Some might even think that’s not what we should even want to achieve, because there is profit in division, and advantage in tribal loyalty. As an Italian, I can tell you that’s true.

Some people reacted to my post with shrugged shoulders, saying race had nothing to do with it.  Others shed tears and told me how moved they were by the story of two boys who crossed the street together without fatality. And still others told me that I am perhaps the most kind and compassionate human being who has ever walked the earth.

I guess I wanted to write this piece to remind myself that even with all of the hatred and deliberate cruelty I’ve seen over the past weeks, months and years, I will continue to reach beyond my grasp, as Browning wrote, and acknowledge the serendipitous moments of grace that cross my path.  Perhaps the colors of Heaven are purple and gold. As long as the blacks don’t act like savages, though, we will all be ok.